Hey guys,

I did some searching on upgrading to xenons and feel as though I am going in circles. I am trying to put together an OEM set of xenon lights for my 95 C36 and am confusing myself in the process.

When I first started researching this mod (quite a while ago), bekkers.com still had the non-DOT approved kit that included everything that you need for just a little more than a grand (correct me if I am wrong), but now they no longer have the kit.

Essentially, now it feels I am up the creek without a paddle. I know that I could go and get everything that I would need for this upgrade from the dealership, but they have prices I am not willing to pay. This brings me to the other option of after-market xenon upgrades. I know there is a lot of discussion on this forum on this topic, and have decided that for me, OEM is the way to go. Because of this, I have tracked down, and purchased a set of complete '99 C43 headlight housings, but now am at a standstill. I still need to find what I need to wire this new headlight assembly, as well as the proper ballasts. I would like to go with a reputable ballast manufacturer (such as osram, philips, or hella) but have been running into problems finding ones that would essentially plug and play. Does anyone have any ideas for how to remain as stock as possible with this mod? Has anyone else completed this upgrade, and if so, do you have a write-up for how to do it?

Any help is appreciated, and if I missed the perfect post on this forum, please provide me with a link to it.

