So I'm driving in Mexico late at night and I'm sitting at a light with a red C5 vette beside me. I just did some work on the car so I start a with some extra throttle not thinking much and the vette notices. He gives it a boot full and before I know it we are running hard up to the next red light. We were neck and neck, but it was a rolling start so this time we have a real stop light drag. He has me on the start but above 40 I start to pull him and by 60 we are neck and neck and I can tell I'm gonna have him. We hit another red and he nods approvingly and gives a thumbs up. I nod back and tip my hat and we go our separate ways.

A C5 isn't the fastest thing in the world, but it sure is faster than a W202, or at least should be. Just for those who don't know, I have an intake and catback exhaust. No tune or any sort. I have to say, damn these things take well to mods. I really need to dyno this sumbitch.