I just got back my car after it was in the shop for the last four days.

1. Over the past many months my transmission has not been very smooth in shifting. It would make some very abrupt/jolting downshifts and it sometimes just felt like it was not shifting correctly.

2. The other issue with the front suspension was a really annoying squeak coming from the drivers side suspsension.

3. Additionally for some reason my fan would go on for the engine and stay on no matter what the operating temperature

1. For the tranny they replaced the Valve Body and the control unit and replaced the tranny fluid. They then needed to re-teach the transmission for the adaptive learning.

2. Initially they replaced the power steering pump, but the next day it was back When I took it in this time hey replaced the control arm and the squeak seems to be gone.

3. For the fan for some reason a code value changed and needed to be set back to the original value. Basically the car thought that there was enough coolant pressure so it went into a protection mode and kept the fan on at all times to prevent damage. They checked the coolant pressure and it all checked out fine, and just needed to reset the value so that it no longer thought that the coolant was low.

Many Many thanks to Steve and Armin from MBSF and also thank god for Starmark!