Just thought id share my findings with all the 230K modders...

The other day i decided to pop of the TB for a general check,and to decide weather or not to replace the tight bend above it with a free flow design...

After i removed th TB, i noticed a stainless filter located under it,alittle odd?,given the Mass already has a finer mesh filter before the TB....so maybe its there to stop things falling in after you remove the top bend?...im not sure...,Anyhow...it posses quit a restriction given it decreases the bore size with its design.
so i removed the mesh from the rubber and reused the O-ring to seal again...

I havent decided to replace the bend yet,so i ported it and smoothed out the inside....

after putting it all back together,my new pressure gauge reads almost 1psi more through the mid range,and definatly over in the last 2000RPM...

Im not sure how much you can gain from this,but im sure it helps
