hey 23k, I think I might have to follow you and loose the m45 all togther, if i can ever come close to your godlyness ha ha.

I dont know if it was the same for you but, I think its mater of

1) space economics in engine bay
2) simplication of the installation
3) I just feel that ,if the charger is going to cause so much rattleing and drama after a few thous miles ... it cant be worth it for the compexity that would be added.. trying to keep them both.
4) surely the whole car is lighter with out the m45
5) engine_stress--; (one less belt/pully to turn)

not to mention you can sell your m45 on..

I gues the fact that its not there does not affect the the rest of the belts..??

I cant say Ive ever seen the post where you talk about your headers and such??