Originally posted by RemoLexi
predrag im so sorry i totally forgot about your car, I just got home I was working wayy too late on my car, im going through ball-joint sets every 5,000miles with these damn 19"s!! also my bearings need to be serviced and I replaced a bent wheel, so little things added up, before you know it there goes my paycheck on maintaining the car. I love her too much anyway!

I will call you for sure tomarrow after i talk to him and make sure hes got time to take a looksie!

DRM, I had the car racked up today I did get a part number from the fronts springs but the rear ones didnt have anything on them, the front springs part number reads FKS94VA. nothing else is written on them.
Thanks remo, will e-mail the company and see what they say!

JRE, what H&R's are you thinking of? If the info on this page


is correct the H&R's only lower the car ~40mm from stock, and at the moment my eibachs lower ~30mm from stock so the 1cm difference is not really worth it, looking for a drop like remo's which is about ~100mm from stock.