Originally posted by jnolte
DO NOT get me wrong!! I appreciate everbody on this site!!! Also i just bought a 7 inch DVD player today and a AMG Decal(I was trying out paypal with the Decal). I am now starting to modd shit out. I want to either get the Carlssons or AMGS. But i dont want to have to worry about fitment because i dont have the Scrilla for fender rolling and all that bullshit!! I was looking at digital cameras today on the web and i think i am going to get one. If not my uncle has hella of them he lives like an hour away though.

JRE if you want to do this Rim thing tell me. Its still pending on my side but i am pretty sure i can muster up enough money for it.

Dude let me give you a piece of advise....

You always talk want to mod this and that , and want to buy this and that....

modding a car is passion...and for it you got to put efforts...will that be time , money and sweat (if you are a DIY like my self).

now for a set of carlsson (set of 4) for $949 is a good deal, why you so worry about the tires..
even the wheels alone with that a price already a steal..

just buy the goddamn wheels....

also please please if you have 10 mods in mind,and at the time you only got resources available (i.e money, time, etc)on 1 or 2 of them , then post question only on these 1 or 2 item..
forget the rest

ask the rest when you're ready to do it.. (it wouldn't hurt to more reasearch prior to ask these questions especially if the topic is general and widely known)

don't ask a 100 questions now, and you while you ready to do only one of them next month.
By the time you ready with the next one you will ask again.,..

Keep in mind we are here to share information not to just one person.

I'd be bored as hell to see the same question being repeateadly asked.....

PS:This is just piece of advise and as far as you and pnsji, I would post the pic of your car ASAP...
Remember being cautious with money I can respect that, but being cheap as and low balling that's another story..

What had happened , is happen. Make sure you don't this to other member


J Irwan